Construction steel price today 3/1: Bar steel price continues to decrease slightly
Steel prices today fell to 4,315 yuan / ton on the Shanghai Exchange. China’s steel production index according to S&P Global Platts reached 119 points in November 2021, recovering from 102 points in the previous month.
Steel prices fell slightly today.
Steel price today delivered in May 2022 on the Shanghai Exchange fell 5 yuan to 4,315 yuan / ton at the time of the survey at 8:15 am (Vietnam time).
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List of futures trading prices of some metals on the Shanghai Exchange (Unit: yuan/ton). Summary: Thao Vy
China’s steel production index according to S&P Global Platts, a separate measure of steel consumption, stood at 119 points in November 2021, recovering from 102 points in October 2021, but still 7 points lower. compared with the same period last year.